September 12, 2004

Saikano Episode 10


"And Then..."

I was extremely grateful for the ending of this episode. After the last two (including this one), any stretch of the show where something morbidly depressing doesn't happen is a welcome change of pace. It's pretty amazing how wide a range of depression and gut-wrenching situations get packed into each episode of Saikano. Visually and emotionally, this show doesn't let up with its punches once it starts.

I was hoping that the events of the last episode were wrapped up and wouldn't need to be revisited, but it turns out I was wrong, as this episode is completely devoted to the fallout of what happened before, and how other characters deal and move on.

Spoilers follow!

My favorite moment from this episode (and by favorite, I mean most disturbing) is when Chise comes in on Tetsu in his dying moments. Tetsu cries and begs for Fuyumi, which makes another one of Chise's love interests (if you could call them that, Chise is just desperate for any type of affection) where Fuyumi loomed over the relationship. First with Shuji cheating on her, and now with Tetsu in his dying moments.

Chise's future also looks grimmer by the moment, though it's not like this is a big secret. The question is more of "how long" than anything else. It's amazing how this underlying tragedy is overshadowed by the other more immediate tragedies that seem to pop up everywhere.

Rating: A

Posted by Kei at September 12, 2004 01:21 PM
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