December 03, 2003

Chrono Crusade Episode 02

Chrono Crusade


Chrno is a devil. Thus he is dangerous, because even though he's cute, he's still a devil.

I just saved you twenty minutes.

Let's set that aside for a moment. While Chrno looks fine with his little demon ears, Joshua (introduced at the end of the episode) looks absolutely ridiculous with whatever ears those are that he has.

Okay, back to the story and everything else. This episode is pretty much the same thing as the last episode. Chrno and Rosette fight some personality-deprived demon using their sanctified (or somehow holified) bullets. Rosette always gets into trouble, and the Elder (their engineer), has made a new type of weapon. Obviously this can't continue for the entire series, but so far it's back to back almost identical episodes. In fact, even the policemen are a carryover.

Oh, and don't forget, Chrno is a devil, and is very dangerous. Does it sound like I'm beating a dead horse?

Just passing on the experience.

Rating: C+

Posted by Kei at December 3, 2003 12:21 AM

nice pic......

Posted by: at April 20, 2005 04:46 AM
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