September 08, 2003

Scrapped Princess Episode 02

Scrapped Princess

"The March of the Soft-Boiled Knight"

While I like the opening theme and credits for Scrapped Princess, I can't believe how out of place it seems on a fantasy show like this (though I'm suddenly reminded of Rurouni Kenshin's original opening and it doesn't seem so bad anymore). Oh well, it's still bright and catchy!

In this episode we are introduced to Leopold Scorpse, as he attempts to protect Pacifica from a group of bandits. He's not quite successful, but luckily Shannon (remember, it's a guy) is there to take care of the bandits in short order. We learn that Leo is determined to become one of the greatest knights in the kingdom... and from what we've scene, he has a ways to go.

He is traveling in search of a retired knight, Sir Barrett, who was said to be an excellent knight, and one of the most chivalrous. Sir Barrett's departure from the order of knights was related to an incident that possibly involved the Scrapped Princess, so Pacifica, Shannon and Raquel decide to accompany him.

Along the way, the group bumps into a mysterious spirit and an even more mysterious stranger (tantalizing glimpses at the larger world of Scrapped Princess that it seems we've barely even scratched). The stranger mentions DNA, which is the second or third reference to technology so far in the series. Intriguing.

Finally, the group manages to track down Sir Barrett, and Leo tries to convince him to teach him about chivalry. Leo is clearly troubled by some event in the past, and leaves him only with the piece of advice that when you are forced to kill someone who is powerless to stop you, then you will understand what chivalry is. As they later find out, the event that so scarred Sir Barrett was when he was ordered to kill a princess who was born under ill omen and prophecy (possibly--which means probably--the Scrapped Princess).

Leo is an interesting addition to the traveling party, as the bumbling, green knight, and it will be interesting to see how he grows as a character.

All in all, Scrapped Princess continues to be an interesting show, with good production values and excellent art and animation. Sign me up for another episode.

Rating: A-

Posted by Kei at September 8, 2003 10:35 PM
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